Thursday, July 26, 2012

So much to learn!

Hellooo again mateys!  I was finally released from a few days ago, and life has improved dramatically!  There are three other cats here!  Two of them are really nice and fun to play with, but the third one, the girl, doesn't like me at all!  I like the big white one...his tail is VERY pounce-able!

I still have to live in my kennel while foster meowmie is at work, which I think is COMPLETELY unfair!  She says it's to protect me in case the other cats get too rough.  I say a pirate can take care of himself!  The striped one may be ten times my weight, but I am FAST!  Once Foster meowmie is home though, I get let out to RUN!  I like to hide under the couch and attack unsuspecting cats or ankles that cross my line of sight!

Last night, instead of going back into my kennel after playtime, foster meowmie moved my kennel into the bathroom and left the kennel door open so I wasn't too stir-crazy.  That was kind of fun, I made lots of noise thumping around the bathtub and the cabinets.

I have so many things to learn here before I go to my forever home!  Foster meowmie is teaching me about not biting fingers.  The other kitties are teaching me about playing gently and personal space.  The dog is teaching me lots about toys and how to dodge when he decides it's time to roll on the carpet!  I'm also learning about cat trees (These are FUN!!), nail trims (these are NOT FUN AT ALL!), crunchy food, how to throw my food bowl when it's empty so it makes crashy noises against the kennel, brushing, TREATS, and other stuff.  It's a lot for a kitten to take in!

Foster meowmie tells me that the lady who captured me also captured my Mama and had her spayed.  I'm not sure what that means, but foster meowmie says it's good thing for Mama and now Mama will get a chance to learn all these same things about being a house pet too.  I'm happy for her!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pirate Lessons!


Today I started a rigorous pirate training schedule.  First order of business - the lap!  laps are very confusing places.  There are all sorts of buttons and wrinkles and fingers and strings (Foster meowmie says it's "hair") to play with!'re supposed to be mellow and sit still and stuff.  I dunno about laps.  Foster meowmie bribed me with ear rubs.  Ear rubs are ok.  Maybe I can sit still for those.  I even made a few biscuits with my feet.

I'm still in quarantine, so even though I can TELL there are other cats on the other side of that door, I can't get to them!! This is so totally unfair!  Foster meowmie says it's only for six more days...but hey, I've only been around for six week, so six days is a LONG time for me!  I want to meet the kitties on the other side of the door NOW!
My second lesson today was about TOYS.  I like toys!  At first, I was scared, because I had never had a toy before.  Life in the big outside is very serious, it's all about surviving and finding food and not getting turned into food for something else.  So I didn't know about play.  I'm a fast learner though!!  Pretty soon I was running back and forth chasing a fake mouse, the dog's tail, and the dog's toes.  Dog toes are delicious.  I nibbled them and he walked away and I chased him and nibbled them some more.  Indoor life is the best!

I guess the doggy didn't like me doing that because he pinned me down with his foot and licked me all over.  Yech, dog spit.  Once he stepped on my toes too so I hissed to remind him that I am a ferocious pirate and he should stay off of my toes!  He respected my piratt-itude.  Once I had finished learning about playing and toys it was back to the lap.  Laps are much nicer when you're all sleepy.  I decided I would hold still for my close up.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Coming home...sort of.

Hi everybody!  My name is Captain Jack Sparrow, and I'm here to record my adventures.
Yesterday I was a regular feral kitten, unaware of my pirate potential.  I was nursing, right in the middle of breakfast, when someone put a basket over my head and trapped me!  I tell you, the nerve of some people.  I was then put in a box and delivered to my foster meowmie.  It was around this point that I relized that I am in fact a fierce pirate.  I put on a good show of hissing and spitting and puffing so that nobody would doubt my ferocity and prowess.

Sadly, my foster meowmie discovered my weakness almost immediately.  My ears were goopy and itchy, and when she rubbed the base of them some sort of switch in my head turned off and I got all limp and noodly.

Since that first ear rub, my life has been a series of indignities which foster moewmie swears will all add up to something good eventually.  First, she put some outrageously foul yellow stuff in my mouth.  She said it was to kill worms in my tummy, but I don't eat worms so I think she was making it up.  I blew some bubbles and tried to spit the stuff out, but I was outsmarted that time.  Hey, I haven't been doing this pirate thing very long, OK?  I'll get the hang of outsmarting her.

The foul goop was followed by a warm compress on my left eye, and some sort of goo in my eye to kill the bacteria in there.  I said "Leave the eye alone woman, it hurts!!" but she did it anyways.  Humph.

Here's me telling foster meowmie what I think of her yellow goop.

That was yesterday.  I was allowed some time to regain my composure and eat, then the real indignities began.  I was taken to a place where the people put a thermometer up my behind, poked me with a needle, and poked and prodded at me from all angles.  I did quite a bit of hissing and spitting to let them know what I thought of this treatment, but to no avail.

Foster meowmie said that we learned a lot today, like that I don't have FIV or FeLV and that my left eye needs to be removed.  I think I'm glad about that because my eyelids are turned in since my eye is so small, so every time I blink I rub the fur on my eye.  OW OW OW.  Unfortunatly, the doctor said we have to get rid of the infection in my eye before it can come out.  This means TWO WEEKS of icky antibiotics in my mouth and in my eye, as well as lots of warm compresses.  What's a kitten to do?!

After the doctor visit, foster meowmie invented a new form of kitten torture - she called it a BATH.  She said it would kill my fleas.  I think she was trying to drown me.  I hollered and screeched like a pirate on the warpath. I was still unceremoniously soaked, sudsed, and rinsed.  I think I need to contact a lawyer about this treatment.

The BEST thing about today was meeting the dog.  Foster meowmie says I can't meet the other cats until I've been here for a week, but there's a dog here and I like him.  Maybe he'll be my partner in crime!  This dog is Jasper.  Jasper made me feel so much better that I sat down and gave myself a REAL bath.  Then I grabbed Jasper's tail and washed that too.  Then we shared some kitty food.

Foster meowmie says that I am only staying here until I find my furever home, where the people will be able to properly appreciate a ferocious pirate kitten. *Gulp!* Are there people out there who can appreciate me in all my pirate glory?  Not being able to see out of my left eye doesn't affect how I run and play, and I should heal up from surgery looking quite handsome, even if I'm a little different.  Foster meowmie says not to worry, lots of people have big hearts for kittens who are a little different, and I should focus on healing up and getting fat.  I think I'm going to try and do that.