Thursday, July 26, 2012

So much to learn!

Hellooo again mateys!  I was finally released from a few days ago, and life has improved dramatically!  There are three other cats here!  Two of them are really nice and fun to play with, but the third one, the girl, doesn't like me at all!  I like the big white one...his tail is VERY pounce-able!

I still have to live in my kennel while foster meowmie is at work, which I think is COMPLETELY unfair!  She says it's to protect me in case the other cats get too rough.  I say a pirate can take care of himself!  The striped one may be ten times my weight, but I am FAST!  Once Foster meowmie is home though, I get let out to RUN!  I like to hide under the couch and attack unsuspecting cats or ankles that cross my line of sight!

Last night, instead of going back into my kennel after playtime, foster meowmie moved my kennel into the bathroom and left the kennel door open so I wasn't too stir-crazy.  That was kind of fun, I made lots of noise thumping around the bathtub and the cabinets.

I have so many things to learn here before I go to my forever home!  Foster meowmie is teaching me about not biting fingers.  The other kitties are teaching me about playing gently and personal space.  The dog is teaching me lots about toys and how to dodge when he decides it's time to roll on the carpet!  I'm also learning about cat trees (These are FUN!!), nail trims (these are NOT FUN AT ALL!), crunchy food, how to throw my food bowl when it's empty so it makes crashy noises against the kennel, brushing, TREATS, and other stuff.  It's a lot for a kitten to take in!

Foster meowmie tells me that the lady who captured me also captured my Mama and had her spayed.  I'm not sure what that means, but foster meowmie says it's good thing for Mama and now Mama will get a chance to learn all these same things about being a house pet too.  I'm happy for her!


  1. Dear Captain... you are doing so well for such a young-un! I am so purr-roud of you!

  2. Thank you Elyse! Foster Meowmie says I'm learning really fast!!
